The effects of aquacycling


The human body contains about 60% of water. Water is a natural and organic element. When you cycle in the water, you find yourself. You go back to the origin. Aquacycling is a work-out for your body + your mind. Try it and you will feel blissfully energized… Not only do you shape your body in a much more efficient way than on land but you also protect your health, your bone structure, your joints, your muscles. Scientific studies shows that exercising in water provides numerous benefits to both health and body.


Here are 10 reasons to cycle in the water :


01 Up to 800kcal

02 Effectively burns celluliteDSC09592

03 Actively enhances blood flow

04 Impact free on joints

05 No soreness

06 No stress better sleep

07 Improves cardiovascular endurance

08 Increases breathing capacity

09 Promotes flexibility and recovery

10 Europeans love it


01 Up to 800kcal

Yes ! You can burn up to 800kcal per hour while cycling in the water. Thanks to the support and the pressure provided by the water, blood circulation is speeded up and fat elimination is facilitated.

02 Effectively burns cellulite


Water friction acts as a massage for the legs, multiplying by two the stimulation and action on the cellulite, helping to eliminate it. Studies show the connection between the deep leg muscles – called postural muscles – and the lymphatic system. Water resistance and movement impact on both agonist and antagonist muscles and generate a natural massage that clearly improves the skin aspects and cellulite by draining the entire lymphatic system. Aquacycling becomes an active massage and draining, highly effective.

03 Actively enhances blood flow

The hydrostatic pressure of water combined with cycling movement considerably increase your blood flow and circulation, energizing your muscles, and reducing the symptoms of tired legs. Water pressure compensates the arterial pressure and improves circulation. If your blood circulates well, your legs feels lighter.

04 Impact free on joints

Whether you are an athlete in recovery, an active pregnant woman or you simply want to preserve the most precious thing you own, your body, aquacycling will please you. Water’s zero-gravity-feeling is perfect for people with muscular, joints or overweight problems. The water support your body weight. Aquacycling is fun and challenging impact-free work-out.

05 No sorenesscouv_1e_300ppp - english

When you aquacycle, don’t be surprised if, the next day, you do not feel any pain. While in the water, you are preventing your body from any injuries or micro-trauma. Your muscles are working out nicely but efficiently.

When you usually feel sore after a land-base workout, you created micro damages in the muscle fibers and connective tissue. In the water, there is no impact your joints, muscles and bones and you are much less likely to cause any micro-trauma to your body.

06 No stress better sleep

Stress is reduced and sleep is improved. Posture, muscle relaxation and flexibility are improved.

07 Improves cardiovascular endurance

While in the water, your heartbeat frequency is 10% lower than on land. You work at a higher intensity with a lower heart rate which helps improve your endurance.

08 Increases breathing capacity

Breathing well is the key to a good work-out. The air stimulates the blood flow and brings oxygen to your muscles which help them work better and get an efficient work-out. In the water, you don’t feel out of breath. You increase your capacity in a gentle way.

09 Promotes flexibility and recoveryDSC09614

The buoyancy of water allows you to move your joints in a wider range of motion than you could on land. Aquacycling is also a very good recovery work-out after a Marathon or any race, or intense land base work-out. It allows you to recover better and faster.

10 Europeans love it

Aquacycling is a revolution in Europe and has already proven its numerous benefits on both health and beauty. Thanks to its positive impact on people’s lives, aquacycling has now turned into a massive trend all over Europe. All media are relaying this extraordinary phenomenon and many sports clubs are now offering aquacycling classes, transforming this physical therapy activity into a real group fitness work-out.


This article was inspired by Aqua Studio NY

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About Christophe Jennequin

Christophe Jennequin is a sports educator specializing in the activity of swimming (BEESAN in France) and he's specialized in aquacycling. He's also trained young sports educators on aquacycling but also the water aerobics, swimming lessons for children, the baby swimmers and coach of elite swimmers.

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